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松田菊男,当代知名的日本刀匠刀具研磨师。Kiku Matsuda汇集了流传下来的传统手工技艺最为擅长的便是称霸日本刀具代工界的研磨技术,Kiku knives具有量产刀具所不可比拟的艺术感。这种充满灵气的手工技艺极不容易得到传承,每一个作品都独具魅力。


Kiku Matsuda has thirty four years of experience in blade grinding. He is a fifth generation Japanese knife grinder. His unique grinds are well known in knife industry. Kiku Matsuda Knives brand has the most strong sale force and high profile in Japan.本業は刃物の産地、岐阜県関市のナイフ削り職人さん。なんと半世紀以上の経験と技術を生かし自身の手掛けるナイフブランド「キクナイフ」を展開。普通のナイフメイカーが手を出さない領域にも果敢に挑戦!

Kiku Matsuda的作品非常锋利耐用,还有一个特点就是表面的处理,泼溅式酸蚀花纹,深受行家的好评与收藏,每一个型号在完工后都会刻上“菊”字,代表这款刀是菊男亲手完成的!


Kiku Knives are among the sharpest in the world. Kiku Matsuda use a special art etching process on the blade for non-glare finish, corrosion resistance and blade surface protection. You will be amazed with the outstanding blade grinding and cutting performance of Kiku Knives when you actually use it.Kiku custom knife production is very limited right now.